3227 W. Century Blvd , Inglewood, Ca 90303
(Century & Crenshaw - Next to Habit Burger Grill)
Now more than ever, companies and agencies are requiring people to complete a live scan before they offer any type of employment, permit, or specialized certification, such an IHSS Provider, teaching clearance, nursing license , security or to hold a professional license of sort.
Perhaps you've taken a live scan fingerprinting in the past or if this is your first time, you may be wondering How long is the Turn-Around Time for results of your live scan?
First, you'll need to understand what is a live scan, what it reveals about your background check and we'll also let you know the cost of your live scan,too.
Live Scan Fingerprinting is the process of electronically capturing your fingerprints then submitting them to California Dept of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in order to obtain a criminal background check record, if any.
The results of your Criminal Background Check Record, is then submitted ONLY to your employer or requesting agency.
Sorry, copies of the results will NOT be sent to you or to the live scan office.
If you wish to get a copy of your results, you'd have to pay and take a separate live scan called a California Record Review.
Live Scan is the method used to get your criminal background check to your employer or requesting agency.
Getting a live scan quickly allows employers or a requesting agency to view the results of your Criminal Background Check and assist them in making an informed decision on candidates for employment, license , certifications and immigration, among other things.
The following are a few things that a live scan background check reveal and why it's important to employers/requesting agencies:
Employers rely on the information revealed on your background check report to make a hiring decision or issue a certification.
For those looking to start work or obtain a license as-soon-as-possible, the traditional method of fingerprinting with ink can usually take up to 30 to 45 days for your employer/requesting agency to get your results.
The beauty of taking a live scan fingerprinting is that the turnaround time for results is much faster, usually a week for some people and a couple of days for most people!
We must clarify: Understand, the live scan usually get your background check results to employers and requesting agencies in a matter of days or sooner.
There is one factor worth mentioning: Once the results are in their hands, they may have their own Processing Times to review your records depending on what they are looking for, which can take them anywhere from a few minutes, hours or weeks before they officially grant you a job or issue you a license or certification.
(Processing Times are at the discretion of the employers or requesting agencies, NOT the live scan facility.)
The Average Turn Around Time for live scan results is usually 5 to 7 days for some people and 1 or 2 days for most people.
Typically 9 out of 10 People who take a live scan won't experience a delay in their employer/agencies getting their results longer than a week. As for those who do experience delays, the most common reasons for delays results are:
Our Live Scan Techs strives to capture the best impressions for those who have dry, rough or sweaty fingers to avoid this delay.
Common reasons for delays in results are people sharing common names or those with difficult to read fingerprints
If you were instructed to take a live scan by your employer or requesting agency then we can help with the live scan, fingerprinting and background check process so you can start your job or get your license as soon as possible.
Once you complete your live scan, you'll receive an Applicant Tracking ID Number (ATI) so you can track the progress of when your employer received your results.
Click here to BOOK a 15-Minute Session OR simply Walk-in > Monday - Friday: 10am to 5pm & Saturday: 10am to 2pm
Call Now: (310)677-5000
Address: 3227 W. Century Blvd, Inglewood, Ca 90303
( Located on Century & Crenshaw - Next Door to Habit Burger Grill )
PLEASE NOTE: We have a very limited number of sessions available and we fill up quickly! So Book an online-appointment now to secure a LOW to NO-WAIT time visit or just WALK-IN at your convenience.
(You can ONLY book appointments online, NOT over the phone.)
If you have any questions, CALL US at (310) 677-5000 and our certified live scan technicians will answer any additional questions about Pricing, Procedure or What to Bring during your visit.
The price of live scan varies depending on the Type of employment or license. Click here to view live scan PRICING.
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